We follow our guiding principles so that we Do the Right Thing – everywhere, every day, every time!

Our objective is to develop and sustain long-term business relationships with all our stakeholders by knowing that we are both ‘in it’ for the long run.
We need to gain the confidence and trust of our customers and suppliers by innovatively and ambitiously embracing continuous improvement and growth opportunities so that they view themselves as partners, willing to support Fair Cape’s strategic direction. The success of long-term relationships relies on mutual goal alignment. We support the strategic vision and objectives of our business partners resulting in a loyal customer base, consumer satisfaction, confidence, co-investments, resource-sharing resulting in mutually beneficial relationships with stakeholders and expansion of strategic networks that are vital to our success. We strive to create a stable, productive and intellectual capital growth environment wherein employees see an enduring relationship that is conducive to a promising future where their personal and career aspirations can be realised in a safe, happy and supportive environment. Stakeholders, ranging from employees to customers to investors, provide practical and financial support, thereby expanding the number of individuals who care about the welfare of our company.
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To achieve success, we need to comply with the Constitution, relevant legislation and company best practices, thereby protecting the interests of our employees and our company.
We observe the country’s laws that govern the way we operate. All our policies and procedures regarding human resources and recruitment are guided by the Labour Relations Act and Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment and we consequently established an Employment Equity Committee. The Occupational Safety and Health Act guides our Health and Safety policy in our environmental activities. Where necessary, we conduct Environmental Impact Assessments and obtain permits to legally and ethically dispose of our hazardous waste. We abide by Labelling Laws as well as the Consumer Protection Act to ensure the safety and legality of our products. The Constitution spells out the standards by which we operate and outlines the procedures we must follow to achieve them. Compliance provides a solid framework as to what is acceptable in a business environment and how to operate correctly without the fear of lawsuits. Both businesses and individuals need to hold themselves accountable for their actions and contribute to the success of the company.
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The principle of the family unit as a unifying and stable entity is of paramount importance to both Fair Cape and the Loubser Family.
Together we believe that the sound functioning of families strengthens the fabric of society which evolves into a deep-seated value system leading to a positive and self-sufficient approach to life. We strive for employees and stakeholders to see themselves as part of the Fair Cape ‘family’. When employees are treated as ‘family’, this enhanced level of family respect leads to an appreciation of fellow employees, respect for the business and all other stakeholders in the business. This respect and care towards one another positively guides the behaviour of employees. We believe that the values that are evident in stable families, i.e. trust, compassion, loyalty, commitment to one another and the notion that working for the good of the individual will result in the success of our company is a sustainable way of developing a thriving company for the future. We encourage our employees to prioritise family relationships which will contribute to each family member’s happiness and strength of character.
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At Fair Cape, we believe we have a moral and professional responsibility to provide our employees with a healthy workplace environment – physically, mentally and emotionally - free from any hazard that may potentially cause illness, injury or death.
We have implemented training programmes, i.e. training for emergency measures, maintaining safety awareness though routine talks and demonstrations, repairs to faulty or damaged equipment, maintenance of machinery and equipment, safety and emergency drills practised regularly. Employees are required to report any injury or health hazards, to comply with specified work standards and safety rules, look after Personal Protective Equipment correctly, report all injuries or near misses, take any and all drills seriously, take good care of all equipment used, including emergency equipment, talk to their elected Health & Safety Representative to raise any valid concerns with management and to insist on feedback. We do not neglect the psychological health of our employees by offering guiding principles to promote a stress-free environment that will contribute meaningfully to a positive mental attitude, free from worry. We also provide an occupational health care clinic on site.
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Fair Cape is dedicated to doing the right thing and recognises our responsibility when it comes to environmentally sound business practices.
Our performance goal is one of continuous improvement, which begins by complying with regulatory and internal standards. To achieve this, we strive to set a good example as an industry leader by reducing the negative impact of our operational activities on the environment by reducing carbon dioxide emissions, pollution, waste, excessive consumption of natural resources, practicing good animal husbandry and consciously not endangering our planet’s wildlife. Our EcoFresh brand underpins our ethical stance of doing the right thing by entrenching this approach into our daily operations through integrating this philosophy into the core of our business. Our country deserves appreciation and respect from all who inhabit the land. As citizens of Mzanzi, we are the custodians of this land. It is our collective duty to create and preserve a sustainable environment by encouraging individuals to take action on a daily basis, thereby ensuring that our actions today form the foundation for prosperous future generations.
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In South Africa, non-discrimination in the workplace is of utmost importance. Fair Cape is cognisant of its responsibility to ensure that the company is free from all forms of discrimination, perceived or otherwise, by management, staff or colleagues.
We actively seek to ensure that no employee is treated less favourably than another employee through the showing of favour, prejudice, bias on the basis of race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, family responsibility, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, HIV status, political opinion, culture or language. All people with whom we come into contact, whether a stakeholder, employee, supplier, customer, member of the public or colleague will be treated fairly and equally and with dignity. We comply with all laws and regulations such as the Constitution, Basic Conditions of Employment Act, Employment Equity Act and the Labour Relations Act. Through the establishment of our Employment Equity Committee, we ensure that there is transparency in all our processes and full participation by all. We have a closed-shop agreement with our Union, who ensure that all alleged cases are dealt with fairly.
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We encourage the principle of self-development which implies that an individual makes his own effort in the development of ‘self’, while taking into account the organisational impact of this self-development.
At Fair Cape the development of the ‘whole’ person is of vital importance and it is for this reason that our training division focuses on both hard skills for the job, as well as soft skills to manage the human aspect of human performance. Self-development creates economic value and it is axiomatic that market performance not only flows from management decisions, but also from the initiative, creativity and skills of each employee. We have implemented numerous training programmes for new skills, management and supervisory programmes, identify and develop staff that are willing to put in the effort to find opportunities for self-development; in this way the individual takes action and commits to learning new skills and overcoming bad habits and behaviour. It is vital that individuals continually set personal goals to prosper and have a positive effect on our business. Enhancing self-development will lead to a greater understanding of the world to improve one’s prospects in life.
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Our consumers want information and transparency about each of our products and assurance that they are produced in an environmentally responsible way.
To meet these demands, we publish information about the ingredients that go into our products on each label. All Fair Cape’s products are manufactured to strict hygiene standards, food safety and adhere to all quality control protocols. Because we use only the best quality ingredients, our products brim with health and nutritional benefits. Dairy products such as milk and yoghurt are a rich source of protein, fibre, anti-oxidants, calcium (critical for good bone and dental health), vitamins and minerals to maintain a healthy digestive system and boost the immune system. Where possible, we use natural flavouring and colourants, reduced sugar levels, milk that is free from hormones and produce a large range of preservative-free products for Woolworths. Our nutritious products are free from unintended physical objects (metal, plastic etc), chemicals, undeclared allergens and microbial contaminants. We have implemented internationally accredited food safety standards (FSSC 22000). Our policies, procedures and controls are routinely audited to ensure compliance with these industry standards.
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Ethics and honesty are not always easy to put into practice as they normally come into play when there is conflict between two moral issues.
At Fair Cape, when an individual is challenged by such a dilemma, we encourage the employee to think carefully, confront the situation and simply ask oneself: ‘What is the right thing to do?’ Ethics are the moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour and are more than simply being honest while participating in a dubious activity that is deemed ‘legal’. Honesty is a direct result of a strong moral character and encourages positive attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, decent conduct, loyalty, being fair and sincere in all interactions with individuals with whom we come into contact. To be ethical means conforming to high moral standards and the absence of lying, cheating, accepting bribes and theft. Conflicts of Interest should be avoided, no bribes accepted, do not participate in theft, fraud or any form of dishonesty. If an employee sees that something is not moral or ethical, the individual should be strong enough to discuss the issue with a superior.
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Most employees spend approximately eight hours a day in the workplace, so it is essential that each one has an outstandingly positive attitude while at work by focusing on individual strengths which will boost self-confidence, reduce stress and increase efficiency.
The biggest spin-off from a positive attitude is generally unspoken, but always recognised. It reflects the individual’s ability to focus on the good aspects of life rather than on the negative aspects. A positive attitude is the difference between a winner and a loser and will result in a transfer of energy and enthusiasm to colleagues and people will react positively. This outlook contributes to people recognising opportunities and remaining optimistic even when facing negative issues. Positivity empowers confident thinking, increases the chance of success, encourages creativity, improves interpersonal relationships, empowers better decision-making, problem-solving and increases optimism and happiness. A person with a positive attitude is more likely to be the star salesperson, the inspirational manager, the supervisor who creates a vibrant work environment. This mindset encourages others to infuse hope and energy in all their interactions.
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Human rights are equal and inalienable rights inherently due to each human being, regardless of nationality, country, language, religion, ethnicity or other status.
We recognise that all people are born free, equal in dignity and have the right to be treated with respect. South Africa, through the Constitution, has entrenched the Bill of Rights and the Human Rights Commission to protect its citizens and ensure that their fundamental human rights are guaranteed under law. Fair Cape strives to uphold the equal and inalienable rights of every person in our company, unshakeable in the belief that each individual has the right to be treated with dignity, respect and equality. We understand that if we operate in and create a culture of respect for human rights, we enhance our brand and become an employer of choice. Our aim is to enable each person to attain their true potential and sense of self-worth by giving them the means to satisfy their basic needs (housing, education and food). It is our duty to ensure we have a positive effect on each employee and protect individuals against abuse from those who are more powerful.
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We aim to contribute to the advancement of moral standards in our society by uplifting the standards of behaviour of individuals in their personal and professional lives.
In our quest to do the right thing Fair Cape views moral standards, such as respect, confidence, integrity, trust and moral character as principles that define our conduct in private, in public and in the workplace. We have policies and procedures that govern our company and guide individuals in correct behaviour. We actively discourage substance abuse, violence of any nature (including gender violence), dishonesty and any other criminal activity by emphasising the moral aspects of behaviour. However, in our multi-cultural world, all with differing laws, societal standards and the individual’s innate sense of right and wrong, morality is a complicated issue. We align terms such as ethics, principles, good manners, integrity, honour, virtue, goodness, standards and beliefs as defined by each culture, as our moral compass. Over time, these values have been derived from government laws, societal standards and each individual’s own innate sense of right and wrong.
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Ubuntu, loosely translated, embraces the concept of ‘human kindness’. Virtues such as compassion and humanity are fundamental to Fair Cape’s ethos.
We show that we care for our fellow human beings by giving time and resources to the disadvantaged that reach beyond our business interests. We understand that Ubuntu is essential for economic and environmental sustainability and that selfish behaviour will result in growing poverty and environmental decay. There is interconnectivity between each individual, and between each individual and the environment. Ubuntu implies that the success of a company is dependent on utilising and sharing each individual’s unique talents, skills and energy so that we continue to be a long-term employer, a positive force in the environmental struggle, invest in individual skills, ultimately benefiting the community. Recognising the need for realistic and sustainable acts of social involvement, we established the Fair Cape Cares Foundation, with the aim of making a measurable difference to our selected charities. These are inherent factors required in developing a positive cycle for mankind. Ubuntu guides our conduct, rooted in the philosophy: What we do now and how we behave now will eventually affect the entire world.
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